Alma Labajos portfolio
Design with Soul


My name is Alma Labajos and I'm graphic and web designer..
Design started as my hobby and thanks to perseverance, learning and evolution it became part of my professional career.
I have been immersed in this field since I was a child and I've accumulated more than 8 years of experience in the sector.

As a self-taught person, my pillars can be summed up as: constant learning, self-demand, desire to improve and always have a positive mind.

Check my CV

Adobe Creative Cloud

Digital and print

Graphic Design

Branding for companies and events, logos, posters, flyers, digital banners, photographic retouching, infographics, powerpoints, sales sheets...

Used programs: Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, InDesign, Premiere, PowerPoint

Figma | Adobe XD | Sketch


Web Design

Design of web pages, landing pages, emails, newsletters, design systems, blogs...

Used programs: Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, Wordpress, Prestashop plus HTML5 y CSS for front-end development.

Wireframing | Prototyping



Creation of wireframes, prototypes, UI kits...

Used programs: Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma.


Motion Graphics

Design of promotional videos, bumpers and animated social

Used programs: After effects and Adobe Premiere.


Video animation

Campaign Video

Video animation

Event promotion

Video animation

Social media

Video animation


Video animation

Digital marketing

Much more

Personal project

Gestión de contenidos y publicidad
Con Alma Libre

This is my personal blog where I share ideas, reflections and, in general, a little bit of what my lifestyle is.

I think it is an interesting project where I allow myself to be myself and give free rein to both the creative and written parts. Since this blog is created with Wordpress, I thought it could be a clear example of the skills I have in this field and that is why I have shared it.

Con Alma Libre

I have experience managing WordPress content (blogs and online stores).


I have created several online stores with the prestashop platform.

Social media

I have managed and advertised the social networks of several companies.


In addition, I study the best keywords for the best positioning of websites.

Logotipo Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop
8 years of experience
Logotipo Adobe XD Adobe XD
5 years of experience
Logotipo Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator
4 years of experience
Logotipo Adobe InDesign Adobe Indesign
6 years of experience
Logotipo Adobe After Effects After Effects
4 years of experience
Logotipo Adobe Premiere Adobe Premiere
4 years of experience
Logotipo Figma Figma
1 year of experience
Soul made


Graphic design

Digital and print assets like banners, posters, flyers, catalogs, magazines, sale sheets, infographics...

Web design

Newsletters, páginas webs, modern landing pages and design systems.


User first, designs focused on the needs of your target user.

Motion Graphics

Animations with After Effects for logos, social media, advertising videos, teasers...

Photo retouching + AI

Photo retouching from small changes (lighting retouching, removal of impurities...) to amazing photomanipulations.


Visual development and application of the brand. Design of logos, vinyls, business cards, infographics and other corporate needs.

Artificial Intelligence